6 Steps to Create A Yoga Habit


6 Steps to Create A Yoga Habit

Practicing yoga regularly can be challenging, but it's not impossible, especially if you live an active lifestyle. It only requires a yoga mat and some comfortable clothing that allows you to move easily.

Yoga can and should be practiced every day. Yoga is best practiced with an easy flow that pushes your body every day, not an everyday practice.

To maintain a balance between work and personal life, it will be most beneficial for you.  You've been practicing yoga since you started.

Establishing a regular Yoga routine is important. After sitting at work all day, your body craves yoga; it is what makes you feel good after your daily yoga sessions.

Yoga is incredibly beneficial when practiced every day. It's just a matter of making sure your practice is varied.

The following steps will help you know that Easy flows on some days and more difficult routines on others.

1. Create some space

One of the best things you can do if you want to stay consistent with your yoga practice is to create an area where you can lay out your mat and store your props.

It will suffice for you to practice yoga in the corner of your room or living room, where you'll have some spare room.

If you practice in this way, you'll avoid pushing chairs and tables around. Make a little corner for yourself, and if you need some inspiration, you can add a plant or some inspiring quotes to it. 

2. Set realistic goals

The benefits of yoga are not obtained by practicing an hour every day. The great thing is that you don't have to do that. Practicing for even a short time each week can be very beneficial.

Decide how much time you can dedicate to yoga every week based on your schedule. By sticking to your goals, you'll be motivated to upgrade from there. Before going all in, it's best to develop a sustainable business model.

3. Schedule it

Schedule yoga time in your calendar instead of practicing when you have time. Truthfully, it isn't that you lack time for yoga. It is just that it isn't a priority.

Taking care of our priorities is always a priority.  Put the times and days you'll practice on your calendar.

4. Motivate yourself

Identify the reasons that motivate you to begin yoga and write them down. A mediation session may be what you need to become more flexible, elevate back pain, and let stress go, enjoy some "me time" on your own.

You should write whatever you're feeling down and hang it up where you'll constantly see it. It is much easier to build a habit if you constantly remind yourself of your goals. 

5. Listen to your body

Listening to your body means respecting its limits and not letting your ego dictate how far you go into a pose.

For those who love planning, you can schedule a practice time well in advance. The practice type itself does not matter.

Pay attention to the type of yoga that suits your body. Starting today, pay more attention to your body than to your plans.

6. Change things up

Change up your yoga routine to challenge your mind, body, and spirit.  A change-up can be subtle or aggressive.

Some people prefer repetition, while others prefer variety. Try out different types of yoga, poses, techniques and see what suits you.


The act of adopting a new habit is twice as hard as it seems because you will have to untrain yourself from a previously conditioned state.

You will need time to reset your brain. Remember the importance of being healthy and capable of practicing yoga, regardless of the time it may take. Yoga is beneficial to you. It has highs and lows, joys and doubts, highs and lows.


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