Online Yoga Teacher Training Live vs Recorded


It can be not easy to pick the right yoga class. Learning the correct thing at the correct time is a challenge that requires courage, providence, or is it grace. No one truly knows.

It is the desire of each of you to know ourselves more deeply, be more authentic, and fulfill our deepest potential - we all express this differently. The practice of yoga is a system that provides a framework for such an undertaking.

As yoga has many expressions, a good teacher will direct you toward a place to develop your practice. As part of your yoga community, you are celebrating your practice every time you take a class.

What is an Online Yoga Teacher Live Session?

A video conference is used to host live video sessions of an online yoga retreat. You can practice yoga online anywhere, anytime using your screen, and go through a flow or a position. Practicing yoga on the go becomes much easier, if not effortless.

One of the best things about an online yoga retreat is that you get all the benefits as if you were taking the class in person.

In addition to calming your mind, releasing the tension, improving your flexibility, and strengthening your muscles, you will also learn meditation techniques.

What is the Recorded Yoga Teacher Session?

Recorded sessions undoubtedly have many benefits. From the learners' perspective, pre-recorded sessions are much easier to handle. You don't have to devote specific times to view them; you can do so at your convenience.

You can watch a long training session in small portions if it is long. It can be very effective to deliver content online, such as covering the fundamentals of anatomy or teaching how to solve a math problem. 

Pre-Recorded Vs Live sessions

Below are some points mentioning what both options have to offer. Your choice will ultimately depend on your personal preference.

Let's take a look at what online yoga and recorded sessions have to offer.


Clients who practise yoga or meditation can access pre-recorded classes whenever they wish.

1. Expense

It is almost always cheaper to purchase pre-recorded sessions than live ones. The choice of pre-recorded sessions is obvious when working within a budget.

2. Convenience

Anyone around the globe can access pre-recorded sessions at any time. This is independent of internet speed and connection problems. The odds of technical difficulties are virtually zero.

3. Easily accessible

A pre-recorded version of the sessions is also available. Whether you want to watch it slowly, fast forward, or at your own pace, you can.

Live sessions

The following reasons contribute to the popularity of online live sessions with learners.

1. Interaction

When people choose live sessions, they will be able to communicate with the trainer better, which will lead to better results.

2. Ask a question

You can get your doubts cleared up in real-time if you have any. This is not something that can be done during pre-recorded sessions.

3. Customized learning

Depending on your needs, your instructor can explain things to you. Not everyone understands a lesson the same way. An expert can explain something in a variety of ways, based on how you learn best.

Final Thoughts

Sharing the benefits of yoga shouldn't be hindered by social distancing. It is easy to start teaching yoga that suits you.

With the right tools, you can start your studio right away! Make sure those who live with you know you will be doing yoga so that they can support you and give you space. Both are beneficial for shorter programs.

Do not pay attention to phone notifications or social media. Build a yoga and meditation room in your home if you don't already have one.

Even so, if you get bored of always being in the same place, feel free to change the scenery and train in a different room.

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