Sara Lu——After becoming certified, I've devoted my teaching to helping my students propel their practice and learn skills they once thought were impossible.


IG: @saraluyoga

After taking Vinyasa, Restorative, and Ashtanga Yoga classes, I became obsessed with propelling my practice further. I enrolled in a YTT program, specializing in Rocket Yoga. Some of the instructors were original students of the creator of Rocket Yoga, Larry Schultz, and others were students of Saraswathi, the daughter of the founder of Ashtanga, Pattabhi Jois. After becoming certified, I've devoted my teaching to helping my students propel their practice and learn skills they once thought were impossible. It's the best feeling to see a student struggle to learn their first headstand, and then watch them nail a handstand without using the wall. There is no better profession in the world! 

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