Can't Even Bend to Touch Your Toes? Let These 8 Yoga Asanas Make You Flexible


Most people are intimidated by yoga asana, the physical practice of yoga, because they do not believe they will be strong or flexible enough. 

People think you need everything you need for yoga, including yoga pants and yoga mats. Some people are fearful they will not do physical activity like yoga because of their neurological deficits or physical limitations.

Yoga does not require anything more than an ordinary body in any shape or form to practice. Flexibility is a topic many people talk about in a dreamlike manner. It would be nice to be flexible, but sigh, that's an impossible dream.

However, the reality is that certain people are naturally more flexible than others and if we all had the slightest bit of.

1. Intense side stretch (Parsvottanasana)

A few minutes of stretching every day for a few minutes would benefit our flexibility in the long run. Forward bends stretch hips, legs, and spine. Your balance, digestion, and posture will also be improved.

Engage your legs, place your hands behind your back in a reverse prayer, and ground yourself through your feet.

2. Tree pose or vrksasana 

Tree pose is also known as a one-legged balance pose and is the perfect place to begin your yoga journey.

You don't need to be flexible to do this pose; rather, you need balance. Regular practice of vrksasana improves balance and strengthens your hips and legs.

3. Cat-Cow (Bitilasana Marjaryasana)

Flexibility and mobility are improved in the core, neck, shoulders, and spine through the fluidity of this pose.

The breath-synchronized movement is both physically and mentally beneficial. It helps you focus, coordinate, and be more mentally stable while energizing your brain.

4. Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

This pose is for intermediate practitioners and stretches some muscles used while sitting. Flexibility can be improved in your core muscles, as well as muscles in your back, chest, glutes, and legs. Avoid doing this pose if you are experiencing neck, shoulder, or back pain.

5. Low lunge (Anjaneyasana)

The pose lengthens your spine, opens your hips, and builds muscle strength. To relieve sciatica, you can also align your right knee over your heel in a downward-facing dog. Extend your left leg without moving the right knee until your groin and thigh are stretched.

6. Wide-angle seated forward Bend (Upavistha Konasana)

As well as improving flexibility in your hamstrings and calves, this forward bend can help ease hip and low back pain. 

Sit on the edge of a cushion or block to tilt your pelvis forward if that helps you go deeper into the pose.

7. Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasana) 

Suitable for all levels, this pose stretches your shoulders, chest, and arms. Stretching of hips, ankles, thighs, shoulders, armpits, chests, deltoids, and triceps.

Helps with chronic knee pain. Increases spinal and abdominal strength. Facilitates decompression of the lower back. 

8. Plow Pose (Halasana)

It may help alleviate tension in your neck, shoulders, and spine in this intermediate-level pose.

If your feet find it difficult to reach the ground, rest them on a chair seat or a stack of cushions. Do not perform this pose if you are experiencing neck, digestive, or blood pressure issues.

Bottom Line

Your physical health depends on your ability to move easily and be flexible. You can lose flexibility due to tension in your muscles caused by stress, aging, lack of exercise, and improper posture.


Posing yoga poses regularly is a highly effective way to reduce muscle tension and increase flexibility. It would help if you started slowly and gradually increased the time you can hold a pose with the correct form.

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