Yoga for Beginners: An Easy Guide to Help You Start Today


For thousands of years, modern versions of yoga have gained vast popularity in recent decades.

Although many modern varieties of yoga are geared more toward fitness and exercise benefits, yoga is still widely practiced for spiritual reasons.

With its high-energy and cardio-based classes, Bulldog Yoga certainly leans this way, though it also offers many other online class options.

Yoga is a form of physical exercise where participants move through poses that stretch and strengthen different parts of the body.

The yoga practice can look different in every studio and practitioner since some emphasize breathing and meditation, while others are fitness-oriented.  The practice of yoga has deep roots in Indian culture. Its focus has evolved since its beginnings.

Beginner Yoga Style

It is important to realize that yoga is not for everyone. You can look at a few different styles to see if they suit you.

You can even choose what kind of yoga class is most comfortable for you and most appropriate for your wellness goals among beginner classes.

Beginner yoga classes are offered at Bulldog Yoga, including Slow Flow Yoga and Activate Yoga. The fitness center also offers classes of higher intensities, such as the Exhilarate and Invigorate classes, meditation, and yoga sculpt. 

Iyengar Yoga

The feeling is similar to a gentle one. Iyengar yoga is slow-paced and detail-oriented, which makes it perfect for beginners.

Using props, such as belts, blocks, and pillow-like bolsters, you can align yourself properly in poses. Yoga of this type uses bolsters, blankets, blocks, and chairs to help you hold poses on the floor.

Slow Flow Yoga

Starting slowly is always a good idea for beginners. That's the same in yoga! Slow flow yoga classes allow the body plenty of time to move into each pose since instructors slowly move through the flow.

A slow flow class will also give you the chance to learn yoga lingo and the names of poses without being pressured to hurry.

Bulldog Basics

There is nothing more basic than Bulldog Basics classes. In general, most of these classes last no more than 30 minutes and are designed to teach you the basics of yoga practice to prepare you to take other types of classes.

Health benefits of yoga

Research shows that beginner yoga can also offer health benefits, like stress management, anxiety reduction, weight loss, and managing chronic disease symptoms.

Reduces Pain

With yoga, a low-impact exercise, stretching and strengthening specific body parts is possible. Because of this, yoga is often used to manage pain.

Yoga does the opposite of what pain does to the brain, according to Psychology Today. It rebuilds gray matter in the brain-damaged by chronic pain, which may be why it can provide relief.

Improves Bone Health

In old age, bones weaken as well. Osteoporosis and injuries are more likely to occur as a result. Yogic practices may help. 

A significant increase in bone mineral density was observed in the spine and legs of participants.

As well as improving mobility, flexibility, etc., yoga can prevent falls that could cause further bone damage.

How Often Should You Practice Yoga?

Yoga is a low-impact form of exercise, so you can do it as often as you want. You're probably best off starting with no more than two or three sessions a week if you're new to yoga for beginners.

You will become stronger with each session. After you take more classes, you may even take more intense ones. New practitioners should follow this rule of thumb! Depending on your body, decide how often to practice.

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