Yoga and Savasana offer a place where one can find refuge from the outer world and build a stronger connection to one's inner self. A yogic posture of restorative ability, Savasana, is mostly found at the beginner's level.


Yoga practitioners practice it lying on their backs at the end of their sessions. The pose is quite simple to perform, but it requires a certain concentration to be effective.


This way, it is performed by lying still on the ground with the legs stretched out and arms slightly separated from the body. It consists of deep rhythmic breathing followed by the relaxation of the body.


Relaxing every muscle in the body and soothing the nervous system are some of the health benefits of this massage. It is an excellent posture to obtain peace of mind and boost energy levels simultaneously.

Meaning and Significance

'Savasana' is a Sanskrit word composed of two root terms. "Sava" means "corpse," and "asana" means posture. In this form of yoga, the body is held motionless in a pose similar to that of a corpse.


This pose was also known as Mrtasana in Sanskrit due to the emulation of a corpse-like quality.

The pose is intended to bring a sense of calm to mind being present. The technique is also used to relax the muscles following an intense workout.

Savasana Benefits

To achieve the benefits of Savasana, it is a practice that takes longer than five minutes.

1. Relaxes the body

Relaxation of the whole body occurs in Savasana. The breath is emphasized in this posture. It replenishes your body by bringing sufficient oxygen to the muscles and releasing tension.

2. Soothes the nervous system

From the crown, the spine is relaxed and straight. The spine relaxes with deep breathing, and the nervous system and mind are also calmed as a result. This method also relieves stress and mild depression.

3. Boosts energy level

You can perform this pose to regain energy if tired or stressed. All the body parts are relaxed, resulting in increased productivity.

Stages in Savasana

Yoga savasana is a relaxing pose that calms the nervous system and creates a space for connection to the higher self.

Stage 1

Savasana is not yet part of the first stage. Savasana is a place where the body begins to relax. Breath and heart rate slow down, and the parasympathetic nervous system takes over.

Stage 2

Savasana begins in the second stage. During this time, you can withdraw from the external world. Your body feels heavy and grounded.


Pratyahara, the 5th limb of Patanjali's yoga system, is a conscious withdrawal of the senses. The state is present when outside noises draw your attention away from you. Your attention is focused inward.

Stage 3

As the ego and mind let go of the body, this is the final stage of Savasana. You may not experience this state every time you practice Savasana. In this state, you feel detached from the outside world and are in the present moment.

What Is the Purpose of Savasana?

Savasana is meant to provide rest for the body and mind. The goal is not to fall asleep; the person should save their energy for other activities instead.

While one lies flat on the ground in Savasana, the pose is somewhat active because the individual should remain fully conscious.


Savasana requires as much natural breathing as possible. An important aspect of lying in a neutral position is that prana, the life force energy, can flow freely through the body.


After practicing yoga, most people enter Savasana to integrate everything they've learned. The beginning of the practice is meant to put the person in a relaxed state to focus on the rest of the practice more easily.


Savasana is often practiced between yoga poses to provide rest to the yogi; this can be beneficial because some yoga poses are very strenuous.

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