Gigi—— Yoga does heal! I am also more accepting now of the things and people around me.



I’ve started my yoga journey when my brother asked me to give yoga a try when I told him that I fell down the stairs twice within an 18-month period. I was so out of balance back then so I’ve started watching and learning yoga on Youtube for a month. I attended my first in-person class the following month at a hotel and it was absolutely one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my entire life.

I’ve never felt stronger in my whole life since I’ve started practicing yoga and I am definitely stronger now than I was in my 20’s. My overall balance became so much better. The physical pain that I used to suffer for years is now gone. Yoga does heal! I am also more accepting now of the things and people around me.

I practice yoga everyday. It gives me mental clarity and physical awareness whenever I practice and before I move on with my day. However, I also have other interests and hobbies like swimming, playing pool, board games, dancing, etc. I don’t stick to one activity cause it could lead to attachment which is something I try to avoid as much as possible. I take aparigraha very seriously. I don’t even let yoga consume me no matter how much I love my practice.

In my practice, I keep the following in mind:

  1. Trust the process
  2. Strength is not based on age
  3. Balance is not found, but created

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